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Indonesia Payment methods ?

< 1 min read

If you require to make payment to for service in Indonesia via Indonesian payment methods, following are the options for you –

  • Pay Via Indonesian card #

    • You can pay via card issued in Indonesia choosing the Doku payment method at checkout page of service. If you are customising the service offline, you can ask for Doku payment link from the executive. The charge on the payment gateway transaction is 2.8% . The link amount can only be in Indonesian currency.
  • Pay Via Card issued out side Indonesia #

    • If the card is issued outside Indonesia, you can make payment using Doku or Stripe payment method. 4.5% gateway charges will be applied on these transactions.
  • Pay to Indonesia Bank account – #

    • You can make payment to Indonesia Bank. Please note – Any type of bank charges will have to be bared by the client , below are the details of the Bank account.
        • Account name – CV LESTAC NORA
        • Bank Account Number – 145-00-1443783-0
        • Bank Name – Mandiri Bank
        • Address – Banjar Pangi Kawan Klungkung
        • Swift Code – BMRIIDJA 

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