Is June the right time to visit Iceland ?

Is June the right time to visit Iceland ? June marks the beginning of the Midnight Sun phenomenon, where daylight stretches into the late hours of the evening, providing ample time for outdoor adventures and sightseeing. With temperatures ranging from 10°C to 15°C during the day, June offers mild weather conducive to hiking, exploring volcanic landscapes, and marveling at majestic waterfalls.

Moreover, June coincides with the start of school holidays in many countries, making it an ideal time for families to embark on Icelandic adventures together. However, with increased tourist activity come crowded attractions and higher accommodation prices, necessitating careful planning and booking in advance.

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of visiting Iceland in June, highlight popular attractions and activities, and provide essential tips for making the most of your summer travel experience. Whether you’re seeking breathtaking natural beauty, thrilling outdoor adventures, or cultural exploration, discover if June is the perfect time to embark on your Icelandic journey.

Weather of Iceland during June?

In June, Iceland experiences relatively mild weather compared to the winter months, making it an ideal time to visit for outdoor activities and sightseeing. Here’s a general overview of the weather you can expect in Iceland during June:

  1. Temperature:
    • Daytime temperatures typically range from 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F), but can occasionally reach highs of 20°C (68°F) or more, especially in the southern regions.
    • Nighttime temperatures can drop to around 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F), but due to the midnight sun phenomenon, nights are not fully dark.
  2. Daylight Hours:
    • June is characterized by the Midnight Sun phenomenon, where daylight lasts for nearly 24 hours, especially in the northern regions.
    • This extended daylight allows for more time to explore and enjoy outdoor activities.
  3. Precipitation:
    • June tends to be one of the driest months in Iceland, but some rainfall is still possible, particularly in the form of light showers or drizzle.
    • Rainfall is more frequent in the south and west of Iceland compared to the north and east.
  4. Winds:
    • Iceland can be windy year-round, but winds are generally milder in June compared to the winter months.
    • Coastal areas may experience stronger winds, especially in the afternoon and evening.
  5. Climate Variability:
    • Iceland’s weather can be unpredictable, with rapid changes possible throughout the day.
    • It’s advisable to dress in layers and be prepared for sudden weather changes, even during the summer months.

Overall, June offers pleasant weather conditions for exploring Iceland’s natural wonders, including waterfalls, glaciers, and volcanic landscapes. It’s a popular time for activities such as hiking, sightseeing, and whale watching, allowing visitors to experience the beauty of Iceland’s pristine landscapes in the long daylight hours.

AspectAverage Conditions in June
TemperatureDaytime: 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F)
Nighttime: 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F)
Daylight HoursNearly 24 hours of daylight due to Midnight Sun
PrecipitationLight showers or drizzle, occasional rainfall
WindGenerally milder winds compared to winter months
Climate VariabilityRapid weather changes, be prepared for fluctuations

Where should we visit in Iceland during June ?

In June, Iceland offers a plethora of stunning destinations to explore, each showcasing the country’s unique natural beauty. Here are some must-visit places in Iceland during June:

  1. Golden Circle: Explore the iconic Golden Circle route, which includes attractions like Þingvellir National Park, Geysir Geothermal Area, and Gullfoss Waterfall. June’s mild weather makes it perfect for outdoor activities like hiking and sightseeing.
  2. South Coast: Marvel at the dramatic landscapes along Iceland’s South Coast, including the picturesque Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss waterfalls, the black sand beaches of Reynisfjara, and the stunning Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon.
  3. Snæfellsnes Peninsula: Known as “Iceland in Miniature,” the Snæfellsnes Peninsula offers diverse landscapes ranging from volcanic craters and lava fields to coastal cliffs and picturesque fishing villages. Don’t miss the iconic Snæfellsjökull volcano and Snæfellsjökull National Park.
  4. Westfjords: For off-the-beaten-path adventure, head to the remote Westfjords region. Explore rugged coastlines, towering cliffs, and tranquil fjords, as well as charming towns like Ísafjörður and Patreksfjörður.
  5. North Iceland: Discover the otherworldly landscapes of North Iceland, including the geothermal area of Mývatn, the powerful Dettifoss waterfall, and the volcanic landscapes of Krafla and Hverir. June is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and whale watching in this region.
  6. Eastfjords: Experience the serene beauty of Iceland’s Eastfjords, characterized by towering mountains, winding fjords, and quaint fishing villages. Explore attractions like Seyðisfjörður, Borgarfjörður Eystri, and the stunning Stokksnes Peninsula.
  7. Highlands: If you’re feeling adventurous and have a 4×4 vehicle, consider exploring Iceland’s Highlands. Visit attractions like Landmannalaugar, known for its colorful rhyolite mountains, and the remote Askja Caldera, home to the Víti crater lake.
  8. Reykjavik: Don’t forget to spend some time exploring Iceland’s vibrant capital city. Wander through Reykjavik’s charming streets, visit museums and galleries, and indulge in delicious Icelandic cuisine at local restaurants and cafés.

Some Frequently asked questions about Iceland visit in June ?

How long are the daylight hours in June in Iceland?
June is characterized by the Midnight Sun phenomenon, with nearly 24 hours of daylight, especially in the northern regions. This extended daylight allows for more time to explore and enjoy outdoor activities.
What are the best activities to do in Iceland in June?
In June, visitors can enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, sightseeing, whale watching, and exploring natural attractions such as waterfalls, glaciers, and volcanic landscapes. Additionally, June is a great time for photography due to the long daylight hours and vibrant landscapes.
Are the roads in Iceland accessible in June?
In June, most roads in Iceland are accessible, including the Ring Road (Route 1) and popular tourist routes like the Golden Circle and South Coast. However, some remote areas and highland roads may still be closed or require a 4x4 vehicle, so it's essential to check road conditions and travel advisories before embarking on your journey.
What should I pack for a trip to Iceland in June?
June is a popular time for tourism in Iceland, so it's advisable to book accommodations and tours in advance, especially if you plan to visit popular attractions or participate in guided tours. Booking ahead ensures you have accommodation options and guarantees your spot on tours and activities.
What wildlife can I expect to see in Iceland in June?
In June, visitors to Iceland may have the opportunity to see a variety of wildlife, including seabirds such as puffins and Arctic terns, as well as marine mammals like whales and seals. Additionally, June is breeding season for many bird species, making it an excellent time for birdwatching.
Is June a rush period for Iceland ?
Yes, June is considered a rush period for tourism in Iceland. With the onset of the Midnight Sun phenomenon, mild weather, and the beginning of school holidays in many countries, June attracts a significant influx of visitors to the country. This peak season results in crowded tourist attractions, higher accommodation prices, and increased demand for tours and activities. Travelers planning a trip to Iceland in June should book accommodations and activities in advance to ensure availability and avoid disappointment.

Pros and cons of Visiting Iceland in June

Extended Daylight Hours: Enjoy nearly 24 hours of daylight, providing ample time for exploration and outdoor activities.Crowded Tourist Attractions: June is a peak tourist season, leading to crowded attractions and longer wait times.
Mild Weather: Experience relatively mild temperatures, making it comfortable for outdoor adventures such as hiking and sightseeing.Higher Accommodation Prices: Accommodation prices may be higher due to increased demand during peak tourist season.
Midnight Sun Phenomenon: Witness the mesmerizing Midnight Sun phenomenon, where the sun never fully sets, creating stunning landscapes and opportunities for photography.Increased Tourist Activity: With more tourists visiting, popular attractions and tours may be fully booked or crowded.
Start of School Holidays: Families can take advantage of school holidays to embark on Icelandic adventures together.Unpredictable Weather: Despite mild temperatures, Iceland’s weather can be unpredictable, with sudden changes and occasional rainfall.
Vibrant Natural Beauty: Experience Iceland’s breathtaking natural beauty in full bloom, with lush landscapes, vibrant flora, and cascading waterfalls.Limited Availability: Popular accommodations, tours, and activities may have limited availability, requiring booking in advance.