
China tour packages

  • China tour packages: Discover the timeless charm and rich cultural heritage of China with our exclusive tour packages.
  • Comprehensive China Tour Packages: offers well-crafted China tour packages that cater to all types of travelers, ensuring a memorable and immersive experience.
  • Cultural and Historical Exploration: Dive deep into China’s history and culture with guided tours to iconic landmarks and ancient sites.
  • Scenic Natural Beauty: Experience the breathtaking landscapes of China, from the majestic Great Wall to the serene Li River.
  • Modern Marvels: Explore China’s vibrant cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, blending ancient traditions with modern innovations.
  • Tailored Experiences: Our China tour packages are designed to meet diverse interests and preferences, from adventure seekers to cultural enthusiasts.
  • Expert Local Guides: Benefit from the knowledge and insights of our experienced local guides who enhance your travel experience.
  • Comfort and Convenience: Enjoy a hassle-free journey with carefully selected accommodations, comfortable transportation, and seamless travel arrangements.
  • Affordable Luxury: Experience the best of China without breaking the bank with our competitively priced tour packages.
  • Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: At, we prioritize your satisfaction, offering top-notch service and support throughout your journey.

1. Beijing

  • The Great Wall of China: Iconic and historic, stretches across northern China.
  • The Forbidden City: A massive palace complex that served as the home of emperors for centuries.
  • Tiananmen Square: One of the largest public squares in the world, surrounded by significant historical buildings.

2. Shanghai

  • The Bund: Famous waterfront area with colonial-era buildings and modern skyscrapers.
  • Shanghai Tower: One of the tallest buildings in the world, offering panoramic views.
  • Yu Garden: Classical Chinese garden with beautiful landscapes and traditional architecture.

3. Xi’an

  • Terracotta Army: Thousands of life-sized terracotta soldiers buried with the first Emperor of China.
  • Xi’an City Wall: One of the oldest and best-preserved city walls in China.
  • Big Wild Goose Pagoda: Historic Buddhist pagoda and an architectural marvel.

4. Guilin and Yangshuo

  • Li River: Famous for its stunning karst landscape and river cruises.
  • Reed Flute Cave: A natural limestone cave with multicolored lighting.
  • Elephant Trunk Hill: A hill resembling an elephant drinking water.

5. Chengdu

  • Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding: Best place to see giant pandas up close.
  • Jinli Ancient Street: A bustling street with traditional Sichuanese architecture, food, and crafts.
  • Leshan Giant Buddha: A massive stone statue carved out of a cliff face.

6. Hangzhou

  • West Lake: Renowned for its scenic beauty and classical gardens.
  • Lingyin Temple: One of the largest and wealthiest Buddhist temples in China.
  • Longjing Tea Plantations: Famous for producing high-quality green tea.

7. Zhangjiajie

  • Zhangjiajie National Forest Park: Known for its towering sandstone pillars, which inspired the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.”
  • Tianmen Mountain: Features a glass skywalk and the stunning Tianmen Cave.

8. Hong Kong

  • Victoria Peak: Offers panoramic views of the city skyline and harbor.
  • Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade: A great place for views of Hong Kong Island and the Symphony of Lights show.
  • Hong Kong Disneyland: A popular theme park with a mix of classic attractions and Chinese cultural elements.

9. Lhasa

  • Potala Palace: The winter palace of the Dalai Lama and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Jokhang Temple:

Tibet’s most sacred temple and an important pilgrimage destination.

10. Suzhou

  • Classical Gardens of Suzhou: A collection of beautifully preserved gardens recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • Tiger Hill: A historic and scenic area with pagodas, gardens, and historical relics.
  • Pingjiang Road: A historic street lined with canals, traditional houses, and teahouses.

11. Huangshan (Yellow Mountains)

  • Mount Huangshan: Known for its dramatic peaks, ancient pine trees, and sea of clouds. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Xidi and Hongcun Ancient Villages: Well-preserved traditional villages that offer a glimpse into China’s architectural and cultural history.

12. Harbin

  • Harbin Ice and Snow Festival: One of the largest ice and snow festivals in the world, featuring massive ice sculptures and elaborate snow creations.
  • Saint Sophia Cathedral: A beautiful Russian Orthodox church reflecting Harbin’s multicultural history.
  • Central Street: A pedestrian street known for its European architecture and shops.

13. Sanya

  • Yalong Bay: Famous for its beautiful beaches and clear waters, ideal for relaxation and water sports.
  • Nanshan Temple: A large Buddhist temple complex with stunning ocean views.
  • Wuzhizhou Island: A popular spot for diving and snorkeling.

14. Kunming

  • Stone Forest: A remarkable set of limestone formations that resemble a forest made of stone.
  • Dianchi Lake: The largest lake in Yunnan Province, surrounded by scenic areas and parks.
  • Green Lake Park: A popular urban park with beautiful pavilions, bridges, and lotus ponds.

15. Lijiang

  • Old Town of Lijiang: A well-preserved ancient town with cobbled streets, traditional Naxi architecture, and canals.
  • Jade Dragon Snow Mountain: A stunning mountain range offering hiking, skiing, and beautiful views.
  • Lugu Lake: Known for its picturesque scenery and the unique culture of the Mosuo people.

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China tour packages

Frequently asked questions about China tours ?

Q: What is the best time of year to visit China?
A: The best time to visit China is during spring (April to May) and autumn (September to October) when the weather is mild and comfortable.
Q: What languages are spoken in China?
A: Mandarin Chinese is the official language. In tourist areas, you might find English-speaking guides and signs, but it's helpful to learn some basic Mandarin phrases.
Q: Is tipping customary in China?
A: Tipping is not a common practice in China and may even be refused in some cases. However, tipping is becoming more accepted in tourist-heavy areas and for exceptional service.
Q: Is China safe for tourists?
China is generally considered safe for tourists. Petty crime can occur in crowded areas, so it's wise to keep an eye on your belongings. Follow local laws and customs to avoid issues.
Q: What is the best way to get around in China?
A: Major cities have extensive public transportation networks, including subways, buses, and taxis. High-speed trains connect many cities, making train travel a convenient option for longer distances.
Q: Can I use ride-sharing apps in China?
A: Yes, ride-sharing apps like Didi Chuxing are popular in China. However, these apps usually require some knowledge of Chinese or the assistance of a local.
Q: What currency is used in China?
A: The official currency is the Chinese Yuan (CNY), also known as Renminbi (RMB).
Q: Is the tap water safe to drink in China?
A: It's generally not recommended to drink tap water in China. Stick to bottled or boiled water
Q: What are some must-try foods in China?
A: Some popular dishes to try include Peking Duck, Dumplings (Jiaozi), Sichuan Hotpot, Kung Pao Chicken, and Dim Sum.
Q: Can i access google in China ?
No, you cannot access Google in China due to the government's internet censorship, often referred to as the Great Firewall. This blockade also extends to other Google services like Gmail, Google Maps, and YouTube. To bypass this restriction, many visitors use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access blocked sites. However, it's important to note that VPN use is also regulated, and not all VPNs work reliably in China. It is advisable to download and set up a VPN before arriving in the country, as accessing VPN websites from within China can be challenging.
Q: What are some most popular attractions in China?
Most popular attractions in china are The Great Wall of China,The Forbidden City in Beijing,The Terracotta Army in Xi'an ,The Li River in Guilin and Zhangjiajie National Forest Park
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